Chapter 18 ▶ Proof by induction

One of the simplest, but most powerful methods of proof is induction. We use it to show that a conjecture is true for all integers above (and including) a specified integer.

18.1 The steps

There are two things to do:

  1. Assume that the conjecture is true for \(a\), and show that the conjecture would also be correct for the next number \(a + 1\).

  2. Show that the conjecture is true for the lowest value of \(a\), called \(a_0\). This is known the ‘base case.’

And you’re done!

18.1.1 The domino analogy

Think of this method of proof like a row of dominoes, and you want every domino to fall over:

A row of dominoes. Source: Pokipsy76 via commonswiki.

Figure 18.1: A row of dominoes. Source: Pokipsy76 via commonswiki.

First, you make sure that each domino is spaced so that if the one before it falls, then it too will fall. This is proving that if the conjecture is true for \(a\), it’s also true for \(a+1\).

Next, you push the first domino. This is proving the conjecture is true for the base case, \(a_0\).

The result: all the dominoes will fall -

18.1.2 When to use induction

We usually use a proof by induction when the conjecture:

  • is dealing with integers,
  • has an obvious base case, for example “for all positive integers” (base case = \(1\)), “for all three-digit primes” (base case = \(101\)), “for all odd numbers” (base case = \(1\)), etc.

18.1.3 Identifying the base case

It’s easy to identify the base case \(a = a_0\), as it will be obvious from the conjecture. For example, if the conjecture begins:

  • “For all integers greater than or equal to 2 …,” then your base case is \(a_0 = 2\).

  • “For all positive integers …,” your base case is \(a_0 = 1\).

  • “For all nonnegative integers …,” your base case is \(a_0 = 0\).

  • “For all integers greater than \(-10\) …,” your base case is \(a_0 = -9\).

  • “For all composite numbers …,” your base case is \(a_0 = 4\).53

18.2 Formal definition

To prove \(P \Rightarrow Q\) for all \(a\) (where usually \(a \in \mathbb Z\)) by induction, show that

If \(P \Rightarrow Q\) for \(a\), then \(P \Rightarrow Q\) for \(a+1\)


\(P \Rightarrow Q\) for \(a_0\),

where \(a_0\) is the smallest example of \(a\).

18.3 Conjectures


Conjecture 18.1: This conjecture wants us to prove that all the numbers in the series \(7, 63, 511, ...\) are divisible by \(7\). It’s easy to see the first few are, but how to prove that all entries in this (infinite) list are?

As this conjecture deals with the positive integers \(1,2,3,...\), this is an obvious example of when a proof by induction could be useful (with base case \(a_0 = 1\)). Let’s try…

Check that you’re happy with why exactly this proof is done:

  • The conjecture is true for \(a=1\).
  • We’ve shown that if the conjecture is true for \(a\), then it’s true for \(a+1\), so we know that the conjecture is true for \(a=2\) (without needing to check \(8^2-1\)).
  • And as the conjecture is true for \(a=2\), we know that the conjecture is true for \(a=3\) (without needing to check \(8^3-1\)).
  • And as the conjecture is true for \(a=3\), we know that the conjecture is true for \(a=4\) (without even needing to check \(8^4-1\)).
  • Etc. till infinity.

Conjecture 18.2:

A couple of things to note about this video:

  • He does Step 2 first, then Step 1. This is common. The order of the steps isn’t important.
  • He uses \(n\) instead of \(a\). It’s OK; it’s just a different letter.
  • He uses the mathematical symbol \(\forall\), which means “for all.” For example “AUCA student ID numbers are 4-digits long \(\forall\) students” or “\(a^2\) is even \(\forall\) even integers \(a\).”
  • At one point he introduces \(k\). Here, \(k\) is simply a specific value of \(n\).
  • At another point he writes \(22^k\) but he means \(2 \cdot 2^k\) or \(2 \times 2^k\). It’s clear from the context what he mean, however.

Conjecture 18.3:

Conjecture 18.4: For this conjecture, we’ll need a proof by induction using cases.

Why are we done?? Because \(0\) is even, then \(1\) must be odd and because \(1\) is odd, \(2\) must be even, and so on, till infinity…

18.4 Going the “other” way

The method of proof by induction outlined above has two keys steps, proving the conjecture is true for the base case (the lowest possible value covered by the conjecture) and proving that if the conjecture is true for \(a\) it’s also true for \(a+1\). By these means, our proof applies up to (positive) infinity.

However, if you prove that the conjecture is true for the base case and show that if the conjecture is true for \(a\) it’s also true for \(a\) \(-\) \(1\), a proof by induction can apply all the way down to negative infinity. The only thing you change is step 2. Oh, and your base case might be something like \(a_0=-1\) or \(a_0=0\) for example.

For example, with Conjecture 18.4 above, instead of showing that odd numbers always follow even numbers and even numbers always follow odd numbers, you could show that even numbers always precede odd numbers (and that odd numbers always precede even numbers). Then, by using a base case of \(a_0 = -1\), you could prove this conjecture for all negative integers till negative infinity. (See conjectures 18.12 and 18.13 below.)

  1. \(1\), whilst not prime, is not composite, as the definition of a composite number is a positive integer which has factor other than \(1\) and itself. In fact, \(1\) is the only positive integer that is neither prime nor composite.↩︎

  2. Source:↩︎

  3. A palindromic number is one that reads the same backwards as it does forwards, e.g. \(987789\) and \(434\). Similarly, a word is palindromic if it reads the same backwards as it does forwards, e.g. racecar and noon. Sentences can be palindromic too, usually by ignoring spaces and punctuation, e.g. “No lemon, no melon” or “Was it a cat I saw?↩︎